A new poll says 1/3 of parents say it’s more important to meet for Thanksgiving than getting COVID, AISD considers 100% remote learning after the Thanksgiving break, and a new study says vegans are more likely to...
It’s a silver anniversary: T&D HR 4
July 22, 2020Uncategorized
TV shows for the fall have been canceled or delayed due to COVID-19, Chinese diplomats start burning documents after State Department orders immediate closure of Beijing’s consulate in Houston ‘to protect American intellectual property’, and Don celebrates...
Boo Kitty blues: T&D HR 3
September 23, 2020Uncategorized
Travis County Commissioner Gerald Daugherty calls in to discuss Prop A/Project Connect and how it will affect Austin taxpayers, the CIA is trying to entice employees to invent more intelligence products, and Don’s cat needs more medical...