1061 Texans lost their lives last year in a drunk driving crash. Today, the Texas Department of Transportation is launching its new Faces of Drunk Driving summer campaign in hopes of bringing down the rate of drunk driving deaths by putting real faces behind some staggering statistics.
“Every crash and every death caused by a drunk driver is 100% preventable,” said TxDOT Executive Director Marc Williams. “We hope these personal accounts from real offenders and survivors wake people up to the consequences of drinking and driving. Always get a sober ride through a designated driver, taxi, rideshare app, or calling a friend—or simply stay where you are.”
Last year, 24% of all traffic deaths in Texas were caused by drunk driving. That translates to an average of one person dying every eight hours and 15 minutes. In 2021, Texas saw 25,261 drunk driving related traffic crashes—an increase of 9% over what was seen in 2020.
The Faces of Drunk Driving campaign stresses the human toll of a drunk driving crash, which can devastate the lives of victims and survivors forever.
This year’s campaign will feature events around the state to share stories of Texans who deal with the consequences of a drunk driving crash every day. Events will include an exhibit of powerful video testimonials. Full video stories and other impaired driving information can be found at SoberRides.org
The Faces of Drunk Driving summer campaign is also a key component of TxDOT’s #EndTheStreakTX campaign, a broader social media and word-of-mouth effort that encourages drivers to make safer choices while behind the wheel, like wearing a seat belt, driving the speed limit, never texting and driving, and never driving under the influence of alcohol or other drugs.
November 7, 2000 was the last deathless day on Texas roadways.