2nd Update:
McNeil Incident UPDATE:
Hope this clarifies some. Remind your students. If they fight, there will be immediate action. pic.twitter.com/TxLJV6DScW— Williamson County Sheriff Chody (@SheriffChody) January 16, 2020
The WIlliamson County Sheriff’s Office reports they have completeed their investigation and lifted the lockdown.
Police presence at McNeil HS.
Deputies are investigating a group fight that occurred off-campus. The school is on lockout, meaning nobody goes in or out, but school activities remain normal. @SheriffChody pic.twitter.com/KpwG91j1m0— Williamson County Sheriff’s Office (@WilCoSheriffPIO) January 16, 2020
(Photo:Newsradio KLBJ 590am/99.7fm/Jon Cooley)