Georgetown Asking Homeowner Associations to Register with City

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Starting July 1, the City of Georgetown will notify registered neighborhood, homeowner, and property owner associations of proposed land use changes for properties in areas governed by an association or within 300 feet of the association’s boundary. Association managers or representatives can go to and click the “Neighborhood Association Notification Registration” button to begin the registration process. Changes in land use include rezoning and special use permits, as well as other changes.


At their June 11 meeting, City Council adopted new notification standards to increase public review and provide additional opportunities for adjacent residents to learn about, discuss, and provide feedback on proposed requests in advance of the public hearing process.


In addition, the changes increase the notification radius from 200 feet to 300 feet and require the City to notify property owners in the City’s extraterritorial jurisdiction of requested changes.


“These changes go a long way to increase our outreach when it comes to changes in land use,” Mayor Dale Ross said. “Notifying property owners within 300 feet, homeowner associations, and people in the ETJ goes well beyond state law and is a model for transparency in governance.”


Registered associations will receive a notification for any land use changes requested for properties within their boundaries or within 300 feet of their boundaries. Registrations will be processed within five business days.

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