The Latest: Avenatti hails decision on abuse allegation


LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Latest on Los Angeles prosecutors decision to hold a hearing on allegations attorney Michael Avenatti roughed up his girlfriend (all times local):

11:25 a.m.

Attorney Michael Avenatti says he’s been vindicated by a decision by Los Angeles prosecutors not to bring misdemeanor charges based on a girlfriend’s domestic abuse allegations.

The Los Angeles city attorney’s office said Friday it had declined to bring charges at this time, but will hold hearings on the matter.

A spokesman for City Attorney Mike Feuer says the informal hearings will allow both sides to present evidence and charges could be brought after that.

Actress Mareli Miniutti accused Avenatti in November of dragging her by the arm across a bedroom floor of his apartment after an argument.

Avenatti, who represents porn actress Stormy Daniels in her lawsuits against President Donald Trump, has denied the allegations.

A court has ordered Avenatti not to contact or be near Miniutti


10:46 a.m.

Los Angeles prosecutors say they will hold hearings over allegations that attorney Michael Avenatti roughed up his girlfriend.

City Attorney Mike Feuer said Friday his office has declined at this point to charge Avenatti with a misdemeanor but the matter remains open.

Actress Mareli Miniutti accused Avenatti in November of dragging her by the arm across a bedroom floor of his apartment after an argument.

Avenatti, who represents porn actress Stormy Daniels in her lawsuits against President Donald Trump, has denied the allegations.

A court has ordered Avenatti not to contact or be near Miniutti.

Feuer’s spokesman says prosecutors will hold hearings to give the alleged victim and Avenatti a chance to be heard.

The Los Angeles district attorney has declined to press felony charges in the case.

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