An Austin Police officer had an ATV accident that has left her paralyzed and now a FORMER APD officer is coming in to help. Jason Borne now runs a Non-profit called MILLECOR and is selling shirts to help fund officer Tammy Barrett’s needs.
Borne said Barrett has spent more than two decades of her life serving city and the country. 11 with APD and 9 1/2 in the US Army.
Barrett was out on a family vacation when she was riding an ATV, the accident, Borne reported, crushed her spine, caused bleeding of the brain and a collapsed lung. He said Barrett has undergone several surgeries and hopes in time his friend will gain some independence through a wheelchair.
To do his part Barrett said they have started selling “Tammy Strong Shirts,” adding that all the proceeds will go to Barrett and her family as financial concerns start to mount.
In its first day of sales, Barrett reported $8000 has been gathered and hopes to see more.
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