Mayor Adler begins building consensus on CodeNEXT

Mayor Adler begins this week building consensus on the re-write of CodeNEXT

Adler has to arrive at consensus on the process, which has been roundly criticized. They have 9 high level goals for CodeNEXT including more housing choice, streamlining the permitting process, better manage growth costs, preservation of neighborhoods, environmental protections meaning reduce wildfire and runoff risks, support small business, and better transportation choices

The toughest part has been finding common ground. He and City Council have 42 goals including 9 high level goals, the highest of which is provide more housing choices. They are focused on high density development on transportation corridors but are backing off that goal for neighborhoods. They’ve agreed upon the allowable size of Accessory Dwelling Units or Granny Flats depending on lot size. The rest of the goals deal with environmental protections, easier permitting, and transportation choices. Meanwhile a lawsuit filed by opponents to get CodeNEXT on the November ballot will be heard later this month.

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