Williamson County Issues State of Disaster


Williamson County Judge Bill Gravell has declared a Local State of Disaster for Williamson County in order to limit the development, contraction, and spread of COVID-19. The measures were taken following disaster declarations by President Donals Trump and the Texas Governor Greg Abbott, and based on information provided by the Williamson County Office of Emergency Management, the Williamson County and Cities Health District, Texas Department of State Health Services, and other emergency services agencies, Gravell says.

While Williamson County has no confirmed cases of the coronavirus, Judge Gravell issued the disaster declaration to activate the emergency management plan. That allows the county to allocate resources, utilize personnel, and enact procedures to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in Williamson County. It also allows for state assistance to be requested if local resources and mutual aid are insufficient. Under the local disaster declaration, the County Judge is given the authority to exercise any and all necessary powers set out under the Texas Disaster Act of Texas Government Code Chapter 418.

“We are following the guidance from President Trump and Governor Abbott and working together at the local level to ensure the safety of our community,” said Judge Gravell. “We are prepared to protect our residents, and ask that you remain calm and continue to practice the preventative measures outlined by the CDC. These simple steps will help by reducing the spread of disease to the point where our healthcare system can maintain capacity and properly care for our communities.”

The preventative measures include:
• Wash your hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds. If soap and water are not available, use an alcohol-based hand sanitizer
• Avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands
• Avoid close contact with people who are sick
• Stay home when you are sick
• Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then throw the tissue in the trash
• Get a flu shot
• Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces

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