ATCEMS announces drone program

ATCEMS Drone Team

Austin Travis County EMS is employing drones to assist them in search and rescue missions and other jobs for local first responders.

The EMS department’s Adam Johnson calls the division the SPARTAN Team, “It’s an acronym that stands for Special Projects Aerial Reconnaissance Transport Aid and Navigation.” He says that basically wraps up what the department is trying to do with four new drones and 16 fully licensed pilots.

Three of the four drones are equipped with thermal imaging cameras, which Johnson explains is a great deal of help when they are on search and rescue missions along the green belts and in other low light areas.

But that’s not all they’re capable of doing. Johnson adds, during the recent 100+ acre grassfire that built up on Travis’s county’s Southeastern border they used the drones to help first responders keep track of the fire line. Johnson says the drones have also helped with winter storm relief and vaccination efforts by giving site managers a view of vehicle flow and lines.

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