TxDoT launches online open house about I-35’s future in Downtown Austin

I-35 in Austin

With changes coming to Austin’s stretch of I-35, TxDoT has digital ways for you to give them feedback about their various plans on how to improve the interstate in downtown. TxDoT says all of the options involve removing the upper decks and lowering the mainlines and toll road.

Here are some of the ideas they’re kicking around and you can find links below.

I-35 future option  

Official release:

The Texas Department of Transportation will host a virtual public scoping meeting to gather input on proposed improvements on I-35 from US 290 East to SH 71/Ben White Boulevard.

The $4.9 billion improvement project, known as the I-35 Capital Express Central project, proposes adding two non-tolled managed lanes in each direction along I-35 from US 290 East to SH 71/Ben White Boulevard, with additional flyovers at I-35 and US 290 East. The project also includes various operational and safety enhancements that would reconstruct ramps, bridges and intersections; improve frontage roads; enhance bicycle and pedestrian paths and accommodate transit.

The virtual public scoping meeting will be made available on mobility35openhouse.com beginning Nov. 12 through Dec. 12, 2020. Comments must be received by Saturday, Dec. 12, 2020, to be included in the official record. The public may submit comments on the proposed improvements using any of the following methods:

  • Online: com
  • Email: my35capex@txdot.gov
  • Verbal comment by voicemail: (512) 651-2948
  • Mail: I-35 Capital Express Central Project Team, 1608 W. 6th Street, Austin, TX 78703

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