Beginning Monday, January 25, drivers on Rudbud Trail will begin to see temporary lane closures because of geotechnical studies being conducted in the area. The City of Austin is performing the work as part of a preliminary report for the Redbud Trail Bridge Project.
According to the city, the lane closures will continue for three weeks, between 9:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday. These closures will not impact access to Red Bud Isle Park.
The road closure on Redbud Trail will occur in three phases.
•Phase 1: Lane closures will occur from Lake Austin Blvd to Red Bud Isle Park, in both eastbound and westbound lanes. A flagman operation will be in place for traffic control from Jan. 25-29.
•Phase 2: Westbound lane closure from Red Bud Isle to Stratford Lane. This work is planned for five days from Feb. 1-5.
•Phase 3: Shoulder closure and lane shift near Stratford Lane. This phase will allow for two-way traffic, from Feb. 8-11.
As part of these investigations, a barge will take soil samples from Lady Bird Lake. The barge and drilling equipment work is expected to begin February 1 and be complete by the end of February.
More information about the Redbud Trail bridge replacement project can be found at the project’s website.