AISD parents question district’s financial reasons for closing four schools

AISD closure protesters

Austin ISD is moving ahead with 4-school closures, and district parents are wonder why its necessary.

Parents question even more so since the Texas Legislature passed substantial school funding through HB3 in the latest session. AISD’s CFO Nichole Conoly Johnson says, its simply wasn’t enough, “we are still very much struggling with our bottom line. We got about $88-million in new resources, over half…almost 50 million dollars…49-million was spent to provide our employees with salary increases.”

Conoly Johnson added the rest was used to help bridge, though not fully, AISD’s projected budget shortfalls which nears $47-million dollars.

The School Board approved plans to shutter Pease, Mets, Sims, and Brooke Elementary Schools.

(Photo:NewsradioKLBJ/5900am/99.7fm/Jon Cooley)

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