Austin City Council tried to tinker with a new land development code during Tuesday’s work session.
Mayor Steve Adler explained he wants to give city staffers everything they need to hammer out a new Land development code so council could make a move. He hopes the planning commission will get a full write up of a plan and a physical map of the land development code rewrite to the council by October and added he wants to vote on a first reading before the end of the year.
Taking a crack at housing priorities, Councilmember Alison Alter wants to keep the city green. She said as the city works to increase density housing levels within the city limits a strategic goals should be access to parkland and green spaces.
Councilmember Greg Casar liked what he had to see with the initial documents when it comes to some housing goals. He sees the current write up has pinned down two pretty clear pieces of direction, one; “we want to try to get closer to our goal of 30{6d294a0824f6f808f1cc9dcde10d35acd237638cfa4e8dd876851c8906eac7a1} of our housing being produced being ‘missing middle,’” and two, they need to create some thoughtful criteria of where that housing goes.
Casar said we are 7-years in the making of a new code, and noted that the last CodeNEXT produced minimal amounts of new middle housing and believes more is needed.
CIty Manager Spencer Cronk wanted the council to work out the rewrites priorities and goals before it turned into another CodeNEXT. During Council’s regular session Thursday April 11th, Ausitnites will be able to voice their own concerns about the code rewrite.
(Photo:Shutterstock/Brandon Seidel)