Uninsured workers in the Austin area are making up for a large chunk of the local covid 19 infected. That has some Austin Public Health official calling the covid crisis a reminder for a national overhaul of the healthcare system.
Austin area Interim Health Authority Dr. Mark Escott said nearly 30% for those suffering from Covid 19 have no form of insurance to help them pay for treatment. He said that lack of insurance means, those infected are more likely to have gone untreated for other health issues and that is only making their recovery harder to achieve, “They have unmanaged heart disease, and high blood pressure, and diabetes and a number of other things that are going to impact the severity of their disease…from covid 19.”
Dr. Escott said the uninsured rate in Travis County just in 2018 was near 17%, and this lack of commitment to insurance for all people is costing taxpayers money and some their lives.