Butler Park Pitch and Putt under new management

Putting green

A majority of Austin City Council voted to put Austin based Pecan Grove Partners in charge of the golf Course, over the Kinser Family. 

In the last bidding process, Lee Kinser failed to sign a crucial document, disqualifying herself from the bidding process. Some on council wanted to give her a second chance. Coucnilmember Leslie Pool said, Frankly the Kinser bid would have been considered if not for one missing signature. And I just, I can’t step away from that clear fact.” She was supported in that effort by two other Councilmembers.

But Councilmember Jimmy Flannigan was hesitant for variety of reasons. First he explained “There’s a reason we have these processes in place. In this particular case the vendor [Lee Kinser] was already given a no bid contract in 2014 by using a political process.” He continued, he even personally spoke with the Kinsers about the bidding process, “and implored them to take this process seriously, and for lack of a signature, I just can’t abide.” 

Flannigan was also worried bout what such a decision could have meant for other vendors around the city, believing it would send a message to other vendors, “That we have seen try to be ,Clever shall we’ll say…that here’s a new tool for other vendors on other procurements to use.”

Others at city hall also feared if they gave the Kinsers a second chance in the bidding process after they were, by city rules disqualified, it could have led to a lawsuit.

Following Council’s decision, the Kinser’s 70 year run of the Pitch and Putt ends August 12th. That’s when Pecan Grove Partners, as per the recommendation of city staff, will start its 20-year management contract.

(Photo:Shutterstock/By Freebird7977)

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