City of Austin to Apply for New Housing Grant


The City of Austin Housing Department is applying for up to $7 million in federal funding in the second round of Pathways to Removing Obstacles Housing Grant, administered by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. If Austin is selected, award dollars will be used to further develop, evaluate, and implement housing policy plans, improve housing strategies, remove regulatory barriers, and facilitate affordable housing production and preservation, the city said.

“With a nationwide crisis in affordable housing, production is failing to meet demand, which impacts long-term affordability,” says Mandy DeMayo, Interim Director of the Housing Department. “With this grant from HUD, we aim to expand funding for our equitable housing initiatives, create more affordable units, and strengthen our commitment to affirmatively furthering fair housing.”

HUD received over 175 applications from nearly every state and territory in the first-round competition.

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