DOJ Fines Austin Landscape Supplier for Underage Employee


A federal investigation has found an Austin landscape supply company, where a 17-year-old employee suffered serious injuries in a forklift incident in June 2021, allowed them to work in hazardous and prohibited occupations in violation of federal child labor law.

Investigators with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division found New Age Rocks Inc., operating as Round Rock Landscape Supplies, permitted the minor to use a forklift and operate a skid steer loader in violation of the Fair Labor Standards Act’s protections for young workers. The division assessed the employer $34,355 in penalties for their infractions.

The division also recovered $1,950 for two employees denied overtime by the employer who paid straight time for all hours worked including hours over 40 in a workweek. The employer also failed to keep accurate time records and dates of birth for minor-aged employees. These actions also violated the FLSA.

“New Age Rocks Inc. disregarded the law and a 17-year-old employee suffered injuries needlessly while doing work the law forbids them from doing,” explained Wage and Hour Division District Director Nicole Sellers in Austin, Texas. “The employer also shortchanged two employees by ignoring their legal obligation to pay overtime for hours over 40 in a workweek.”

Based in Austin, New Age Rocks Inc. has been a landscape stone supplies retailer since 2012. The employer cooperated fully with investigators, changed its practices to comply with the law and paid the $34,355 in civil money penalties.

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