Georgetown Enacts New Water Conservation Ordinance


New ordinances for water conservation are in now in effect for residents and businesses in Georgetown. The ordinances are an effort by city leaders to conserve the available treated drinking water.  All property types across the entire City of Georgetown Water Utility will be affected, the city said.

“Georgetown is located in an area of Texas that is prone to droughts,” Georgetown Mayor Josh Schroeder said. “By focusing on water conservation, the city can help to ensure there is enough water to meet the needs of its residents and businesses, even during times of drought.”

Changes include updates to water use restrictions when the city is not in Drought Contingency (the City is currently in drought stage 2), a new fee structure, developer requirements, inspection requirements for commercial and HOA irrigation systems, and new watering timeframes for all irrigation methods. Drip, soaker hoses, and hose-end sprinklers also must adhere to the new set times for irrigation, but watering by hand will still be allowed on any day.

The new ordinance also includes updated watering schedules across all drought phases, as well as times where the City of Georgetown is not in a stage of drought contingency.

New DCP 2 Watering Schedule

(The City of Georgetown is currently in this phase)

Automatic Irrigation Systems, Soaker Hoses, Drip and Hose-End Sprinklers 
Last digit of property street address  Allowed watering day(s) Allowed watering hours


Tuesday Midnight-7 a.m.

7 p.m.-Midnight

2 or 6  Wednesday Midnight-7 a.m.

7 p.m.-Midnight

Thursday Midnight-7 a.m.

7 p.m.-Midnight

5 or 9  Friday Midnight-7 a.m.

7 p.m.-Midnight

4 or 8  Saturday Midnight-7 a.m.

7 p.m.-Midnight

3 or 7  Sunday Midnight-7 a.m.

7 p.m.-Midnight



Monday None

Developers, builders, and irrigation-system installers will now be required to provide instructions on the irrigation system’s design and functionality. Additionally, they must provide information to homeowners on where to find the city’s watering schedule and how to properly maintain their irrigation systems.

Council also approved an automatic irrigation system audit ordinance that requires homeowner associations and nonresidential customers to have irrigation systems inspected every two years.

According to the change, customers will receive a courtesy notice upon their first violations. They will then have ten days to make the necessary changes to coming into compliance with city code. If there is no proof of change provided, a violation will be issued.


Residential Violation Structure 

Single Family Residential Violations 1st Occurrence 2nd occurrence in 12 month Period 3rd occurrence in 12 month period 4th occurrence in 12 month period 5th and subsequent occurrence(s) in 12 month period
Non-DCP Courtesy Notice $50 $75 $100 $250
DCP1 Courtesy Notice $50 $75 $250 $400
DCP2 Courtesy Notice $75 $150 $300 $450
DCP3 Courtesy Notice $150 $300 $450 $600
DCP4 Courtesy Notice $200 $350 $500 $650
Administrative Hearing Cost N/A $25 or 10% of fee $25 or 10% of fee $25 or 10% of fee $25 or 10% of fee


Non-Residential Violation Structure

Non-Single Family Residential Violations 1st Occurrencer 2nd Occurrence in 12 month Period 3rd Occurrence in 12 month period 4th Occurrence in 12 month period 5th and subsequent occurrence(s) in 12 month period
Non-DCP Courtesy Notice $250 $400 $500 $750
DCP1 Courtesy Notice $250 $400 $500 $750
DCP2 Courtesy Notice $500 $600 $800 $800
DCP3 Courtesy Notice $750 $750 $750 $750
DCP4 Courtesy Notice $800 $800 $800 $800
Administrative Hearing Cost N/A $25 or 10% of fee $25 or 10% of fee $25 or 10% of fee $25 or 10% of fee

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