Governor Abbott to Sign House Bill 3 at Parmer Lane Elementary

Texas Governor Greg Abbott

Governor Greg Abbott will be joined by members of the Texas legislature, superintendents, teachers, and stakeholders to host a bill signing ceremony on Tuesday, June 11th at Parmer Lane Elementary School in the Austin Independent School District.

House Bill 3 dedicates more state funding for schools, creates an incentive pay program for teachers, adds career, college, and military readiness bonuses for school districts, funds full-day prekindergarten for students in poverty, and requires all elementary school principals and teachers in kindergarten through third grade be trained on science-based reading instruction by 2021. The bill also creates a student-focused formula structure, where the needs of a child – not the child’s zip code – will determine funding allocations. 

Additionally, the bill buys down property tax rates and places a 2.5{2a63e07d84fe12ceff3a79b3b7d16ceb8565bd2470b26c53e2419132d99be4c6} property tax cap on school districts starting in 2021. 

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