Kyle Approves 2024-25 Budget


The Kyle City Council has approved the city’s budget for Fiscal Year 2024-25. According to city officials, the $363.3 million budget covers investments in services and infrastructure projects, while also keeping the property tax rate the same at $0.4693 per $100 dollars of taxable assessed valuation.

The approved budget is based on goals identified by the city council and staff in the city’s Strategic Plan. Those priorities include:

  • $99.6 million in water and wastewater improvements funded for Fiscal Year 2025, with $339.6 million planned over the next five years, including Phase II of the Wastewater Treatment Plant Expansion, elevated water storage tanks, water pump stations, and water line upgrades, proposed reclaimed water irrigation plan for parks, and potential further investments in additional sources for water supplies;
  • Further investments in public safety with the addition of 12 full time employees, increased funding to elevate sworn Police positions, and equipment and technology upgrades;
  • Continued construction of the 2022 voter-approved Road Bonds with work beginning on the Marketplace Avenue project in October of this year, and Windy Hill, Kohlers Crossing, and Stagecoach Road to begin in 2025. As well as intersection improvements, new roundabouts, sidewalks, and drainage improvements on the East and West side of Kyle;
  • Park developments and improvements including increased fencing shade structure and seating, parking lot design and construction at several parks, design and construction of the Vybe trail, and upgrades to lighting, security, and Internet functionality.
  • A strong focus on operational improvements including cost containment initiatives will generate approximately $13.6 million in annual cost reductions and increased revenues;
  • Enhancing community engagement, transparency, and customer service with the creation of a new 311 customer service center;

$83.1 million will be spent from the General Fund for additional staff, 54 new full-time positions, equipment upgrades, investments for various departments, and additional parks and recreation, public safety, planning and library services.

The Kyle City Council also adopted a major update to its water and wastewater rate structure, which will take effect on October 1, 2024.

The table below shows how some typical monthly customer bills will change as of October 1, 2024:

Water Use Current Bill Future Bill Total Increase
Single Family Residential – Water and Sewer Combined (5 Kgal) $108.50 $116.39 $7.89
Multi-Family Residential – Water and Sewer Combined (400 Kgal) $5,660.52 $8,205.74 $2,545.22
Commercial – Water and Sewer Combined (64 Kgal) $956.52 $1,225.40 $268.88
Irrigation-only (35 Kgal) $417.10 $554.02 $136.92

Note: 1 Kgal equals 1,000 gallons

Due to economic development, strong reported sales tax revenues, and other fees, the owner of an average home valued at $325,543 will pay $111.67 per month in property tax to the City of Kyle, which is 9.43% less than in the prior fiscal year.

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