More Questions for Mueller, Abbott Slams Austin (Again), H-E-B to Launch Autonomous Deliveries

The Daily Dossier on KLBJ

Democratic and Republican members of the House committees scheduled to question former special counsel Robert Mueller appear to be taking different approaches to next week’s hearings. 

Democrats say they are re-reading the Mueller report and even watching old video of Mueller testifying to Congress to gain insight in how to pose questions. 

The senior Republican on the Judiciary Committee, Ohio’s Steve Chabot, says he hasn’t started preparing and doesn’t expect much new from the event


Governor Abbott continues his war of words on Austin’s homelessness ordinance relaxation. Abbott said a better template for Austin to examine would the San Antonio Haven For Hope that he says helps homeless people get off the street, get shelter, get medical and other wraparound services and job training.

“The bottom line is, almost any strategy is superior to allowing people to camp out on places like Congress Avenue,” Abbott said.

Austin Mayor Steve Adler continues his west coast trip to examine how cities there wish they had handled their homelessness crises.


Thousands of illegal immigrants will be the targets of ICE raides beginning this weekend.  ICE Director Kevin Cuccinelli says these are people who’ve had multiple hearings with judges but are still refusing to leave the country.

“They’re absolutely going to happen,” Cuccinelli said.  “There are approximatley one million people in this country with removal orders.  Of course, that isn’t what ICE will go after in this, but that’s the pool of people who’ve been all the way through the due process chain.”

President Trump delayed raids a few weeks ago at the request of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.  Congress, at the time, was negotiating a $4-billion emergency aid package for immigrants at the border.


Texas-based grocery chain H-E-B is launching a home delivery program that will use a self-driving car.  It will be tested later this year in a San Antonio neighborhhood.  Spokeswoman Julie Beddingfield says it will keep them on the cutting edge of technology.

“We want to be a company that allows our customers to shop with us in whatever way they choose to,” she says.

At first, the delivery car will have a driver in the event someone needs to grab the wheel.  Eventually, however, Beddingfield says the cars will become fully autonomous.

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