More Weekend Lane Closures Planned for I-35


The Texas Department of Transportation will close the northbound and southbound I-35 mainlanes nightly to pour the bridge deck for the reconstructed Williams Drive bridge.
On Friday, July 28 and Saturday, July 29 at 9 p.m., the northbound and southbound I-35 mainlanes will close to traffic between Lakeway Drive and SH 29. Northbound I-35 traffic will detour to the frontage road at the Williams Drive exit (262) and re-enter the mainlanes north of Northwest Boulevard. Southbound I-35 traffic will use the Williams Drive exit (262) and re-enter the mainlanes at the SH 29 entrance ramp.

The Williams Drive bridge will also be closed. Eastbound traffic will detour to the southbound I-35 frontage road and use the U-turn at SH 29 to access Williams Drive. Westbound traffic will detour to the northbound I-35 frontage road before turning left at the signalized intersection at Lakeway Drive to access Williams Drive.

All lanes will reopen by 10 a.m. each morning, weather permitting.

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