Packsaddle Pass Homeless Camp Closes


The City of Austin has moved 60 people from an encampment at Pack Saddle Pass and U.S. Highway 71 to temporary bridge shelters as part of the Housing-Focused Encampment Assistance Link Initiative.

HEAL initiative focuses on homeless camps that are located in dangerous, high-risk locations that also pose public health concerns.

“The City’s HEAL Initiative provides a compassionate response to homelessness, a safe move from encampments into shelter, plus a clear path to housing and services. HEAL continues to focus on resolving encampments with the highest health and safety risk factors,” said City of Austin Homeless Strategy Officer Dianna Grey.

Since HEAL began in June of 2021, more than 470 individuals have voluntarily moved from high-risk homeless camps to the Southbridge and Northbridge shelters.

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