Parks Department Considers New Taxing District

Austin City Hall

If you feel like you’re overtaxed in Austin, you may feel an even bigger sting in the coming years.  That’s because the Parks and Recreation Department has begun crafting a work group that will look at the viability of a brand new taxing district specifically to fund maintenance and operations of parks and other related facilities.

The idea was first floated at the Parks and Recreation board’s most recent meeting by board member Nina Rinaldi.  Her proposal is a response to the newly signed House Bill 3, which puts a 3.5-percent limit on local property tax revenue growth.  Rinaldi said she was very concerned about the Parks Department’s budget and how the new law might affect the department’s ability to bring in enough revenue.

“Alternative revenue streams for the Parks Department so that we can reduce the department’s reliance to, to whatever extent possible, on the general fund,” Rinaldi said.

Right now, those who live in the City of Austin pay city, county, school district, Central Health, and Austin Community College taxes.  If this sixth taxing district were to become a reality, it would allow elections to be held that could lead to the increasing of taxes to cover those operational needs.

The vote to create the new working group was unanimous.  It’s believed the Austin City Council will take up (and likely approve) a resolution in August that will solidify the group and allow it to progress with its assessment of that sixth taxing entity.

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