Pflugerville Sets Proposed Maximum Tax Rate

Pflugerville City Council takes another step toward creation of a major mixed-use development

During the August 13 City Council work session and meeting, the Pflugerville City Council reviewed the Fiscal Year 2025 (FY25) Proposed Budget and approved a resolution to set the proposed maximum property tax rate at $0.5428. The Council is scheduled to adopt the final rate on September 24 and can adopt at or below this rate.

“Staff is thrilled to present this budget. It’s not just numbers, it’s a vision for the community,” said Pflugerville City Manager Sereniah Breland. “In combination with a fine group of employees, we have residents that continue to state that they want roads, traffic improvements, parks, water and wastewater, and public safety. With this proposed, less than a penny tax rate increase, we are confident that we continue to invest in the future.”

In FY24 the average homestead valued at $342,157 on a tax rate of .5362 paid $1,834.65 in taxes. In FY25, the average homestead valued at $364,433 at the proposed tax rate of .5428 would pay $1,978.14 in taxes. The average increase is $143.49 annually or $11.96 a month.

Tax rate summaries:

Property Tax Rate Proposed – $0.5428

Voter-approval Tax Rate – $0.5428

Voter-Approval M&O Tax Rate – $0.2530

Debt Rate – $0.2898

No-New-Revenue Tax Rate – $0.5259

No-New-Revenue M&O Tax Rate – $0.2445

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