Reaction to Kavanaugh’s confirmation split among Texas’ two senate candidates

Reaction to Kavanaugh's confirmation split among Texas' two senate candidates

Calling Kavanaugh’s confirmation a win for the United States Constitution, Cruz says it has brought a much-welcomed end one of the most contentious and divisive chapters of recent political history.

Cruz has previously said he believes Kavanaugh has proven to have the temperament for the high court, despite many democrats who say otherwise.  Cruz’s challenger, Beto O’Rourke, was not pleased with the outcome, saying he would have easily voted against the confirmation were he a sitting U.S. senator.

The confirmation of Supreme Court justice Brett Kavanaugh also started an uproar  among dozens of protesters in austin over the weekend. Gathering outside of the state capitol building at around noon and shared their stories of being sexual assault survivors. 

As the senate voted for the confirmation of Kavanaugh, a group of more then a dozen protesters shut down one of the busiest bridges in austin, the lamar boulevard bridge.


(Photo: Shutterstock)

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