RRISD Principal Placed on Administrative Leave

Round Rock Early College High School Principal Veronica Coss

(Credit: Round Rock ISD)

The principal of Early College High School in the Round Rock Independent School District, Veronia Coss, has been placed on administrative leave over allegations of racism, bigotry, and discrimination against disabled students.  

The issue began to take root at the Round Rock ISD Board of Trustees meeting on September 26, 2019.  During the public comment portion of that meeting, former Early College High School teacher Stephanie Martin brought the allegations to the attention of the school board.

“I resigned my position at Early College High School last May,” Martin said.  “Out of a staff of 16, I was one of four who left.”

Martin went on to detail several instances in which she claimed she learned of disparaging remarks allegedly made by Coss, some of which she said were told to her through second-hand accounts.

“In my first year, a collegue shared that she frequently heard the principal refer to a black employee as the ‘n-word,’” she said. 

Martin then went on to detail several instances in which she said she personally heard Coss making inappropriate statements involving immigrants, students with ADHD, and gay staff members.

Following her public comment at that board meeting, numerous other parents and staff members have reportedly come forward to share similar experiences.

The Round Rock Independent School District is not commenting on specifics of the matter, but does say it is investigating the claims.  Coss has been the principal at Early College High School since 2018.  Previously, she served as the assistant principal.  

“We take all reports of discrimination seriously. When we receive reports regarding our employees, we conduct a thorough and comprehensive investigation, which includes speaking to witnesses who are available and willing to participate. If evidence supports allegations, we will take appropriate action,” the district said in a statement.

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