The City of San Marcos will host an open house to answer questions about the new inspection requirements for owners of permanent stormwater management facilities on Thursday, Nov. 15 from 1-3 p.m. at the San Marcos Rec Hall, 170 Charles Austin.
Owners of stormwater facilities typically include HOAs, commercial properties, and multifamily developments.
City staff will give a brief presentation and provide information on annual inspection requirements for these facilities.
Types of stormwater facilities covered include:
- Dry detention
- Wet detention
- Bio retention
- Underground detention
- Constructed wetland
- Vegetated swale
- Permeable pavers
- Hydrodynamic separators
On July 5, 2017 ordinance no. 2017-33 was passed requiring owners of permanent stormwater management facilities to conduct annual inspections of each facility.
The inspection report must be prepared by a Texas-licensed engineer who has been pre-certified by the City of San Marcos. Property owners are required to submit an annual inspection report to the City by Jan. 31, 2019.