State Senate bill could disrupt Austin’s MLS deal

Texas Capital building rotunda

SB 1771 would see Precourt Sports Ventures pay some form of taxes as they bring Austin its first major league sports franchise. The bill, has some Austin FC supporters fearing if passed , it could throw a wrench in the deal the team’s owner made with the City of Austin.

Austin’s Mayor Steve Adler said the bill doesn’t affect the Lease agreement already agreed apon, and though PSV could use it a s a reson to leave Austin, he has not heard anything of the like from the company or team.

Josh Babetski, the founder of the Austin Anthem fan club,  dosn’t put much stock in SB 1771’s future. He thinks it’s just another attempt by some area special interest groups, to kill off the deal. Babetski will start to worry about the bill if it makes it out of committee but believes the growing number of soccer fans will be able to handle it.


(Photo: Shutterstock)


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