Tensions Brew Between U.S. and Iran, Sanders Proposes Wiping $1.6-Trillion in Student Debt

The Daily Dossier on KLBJ

Democratic lawmakers continue to balk at the $4.5-billion supplemental bill that would bring emergency aid to the southern border.  

Critics say the funding bill would not do enough to protect migrants and put more money into a “broken system.”


Tensions between the U-S and Iran continue to rise after President Trump imposed new sanctions on the Middle East nation Monday.

Iran says the sanctions permanantly close the doors to diplomacy.


President Trump delayed scheduled raids on illegal immigrant families, but said they would go forward if democrats do not approve changes to asylum laws.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is hoping outside pressure will make the raids go away forever.

“When the two-week period the president mentioned is up, it will remove all doubt that you cannot be breaking up families, you cannot be ignoring the rights of immigrants,” Pelosi said.

The White House says democrats have blocked border security funding on more than one occasion to score “cheap political points,” and President Trump says it’s time for them to get serious about the crisis on the border.


A driver who killed seven motorcyclists in fiery crash on rural New Hampshire highway is charged with seven counts of negligent homicide.  The charges come as it has also been revealed he has a record of drunk driving

Volodymyr Zhukovskyy, 23, was arrested on Monday and charged with seven counts of negligent homicide.  Police say he was the driver of a Dodge pickup truck that crashed into ten bikers, killing seven of them, on Friday.

Records show that he was stopped on suspicion of driving drunk just last month on May 11 and in 2013. 
The crash took place along a two-lane highway that passes through the small town of Randolph, New Hampshire around 6.30pm on Friday night.
The victims were named as Michael Ferazzi, 62; Albert Mazza, 49; Desma Oakes, 42; Aaron Perry, 45; Daniel Pereira, 58; and Joanne and Edward Corr, both 58.

On Monday he briefly appeared in court in Springfield, Massachusetts where he looked down at his feet.  
On Sunday The Blessings of the Bikes ceremony turned into a tribute to the seven slain bikers. 

Three other bikers were involved in the crash on the New Hampshire highway- all members or supporters of the Marine JarHeads motorcycle club.


Presidential candidate and Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders is leading progressive members of Congress in a new push to cancel all student debt.  Sanders says this is long overdue.

“Today, we are, in fact, offering a revolutionary proposal,” Sanders said.  “A proposal that will transform and improve our country in many, many ways.”

Sanders’ plan is called the ‘College For All Act,’ and would cancel some $1.6-trillion in debt, while also making two and four-year public colleges and universities tuition-free. Sanders says it would be paid for by a series of taxes on Wall Street trading and speculation. Critics argue that the plan would hamstring economic growth, and effectively punish people who worked to avoid loans or pay them down early.

“What we tell 17-year-olds all of the time is that you are not old enough or responsible enough to drink, you are not old enough or responsible enough to vote, you are not old enough or respionsible enough to serve in our military, but you are old enough and responsible enough to take on a quarter-million-dollars worth of debt.  And that is wrong,” said New York representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

Both are avowed democratic socialists.

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