Travis County to Talk Transportation Priorities

Backed up traffic

Travis County has prepared a blueprint for its future transportation work and will be lokking to the public to help shape what projects it prioritizes in the coming years. 


According to county officials, the Travis County Transportation Blueprint ( is a 25-year roadmap for projects, programs, and studies meant to improve mobility across the area.  The Blueprint pays special attention to parts of Travis County outside of the city limits of Austin and other nearby cities.  It includes road improvement projects, transit initiatives, bicycle and pedestrian trails and infrastructure, safety measures, and studies of potential future solutions. 


To get a sense of the public’s priorities, the County will host its first televised town hall, “Blueprint Live!” Wednesday, May 15th, at 7pm, on Travis County TV; it is available on Time Warner Cable Channel 17 (digital 10-17), Grande Communications channel 17 and AT&T UVerse channel 99, or online at . 


Attendees can participate by phone, text message, or Twitter. 


In addition to the telecast, the County has released a survey, available at the Blueprint homepage (, which will remain open through mid-June.   The survey is among the most ambitious the County has ever developed and allows participants to highlight its top projects among the dozens incorporated into the draft Blueprint. 


“It is imperative we receive input from across our County on this important transportation initiative,” said Travis County Judge Sarah Eckhardt.  “Blueprint Live! and the survey will allow us to hear directly from the people it will impact most.  This is why we want to make it as easy as possible for anyone to participate and help us prioritize the many transportation projects we’re considering.”

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