TxDOT’s ‘Drive Sober. No Regrets.’ Campaign to Roll Into Hays County


More than 1,000 people died in Texas last year as a result of drunk driving, and thousands of families and communities across Texas are facing the painful and unnecessary consequences.

The Texas Department of Transportation’s “Drive Sober. No Regrets.” campaign is fighting to prevent these crashes and deaths by sharing real stories from Texans whose lives have been changed forever by impaired driving. In their Faces of Drunk Driving accounts, survivors and victims’ loved ones urge people to never get behind the wheel after drinking any amount of alcohol.

TxDOT’s traveling exhibit will visit the Hays County Historic Courthouse in Downtown San Marcos to educate the public on the dangers of drunk driving, while also showcasing first-person stories from survivors and offenders. The goal, according to TxDOT, is for these emotional stories to remind drivers that they or a loved one could be the next victim of drunk driving and encourage them to always drive sober.

The event is planned for Saturday, June 22 from 7:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

The Hays County Historic Courthouse is located at 111, E. San Antonio Street in San Marcos.

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