Wishbone Bridge Construction to Impact Traffic


Construction on a new wishbone bridge at Longhorn Dam will begin to have impacts on traffic next week.

The following traffic closures will begin Monday, August 5 as a part of the construction on the Longhorn Dam Multimodal Improvements Project:

•The western most southbound lane of South Pleasant Valley Road will be closed to through traffic for several months.
•Traffic will continue in both directions in the eastern lanes of South Pleasant Valley Road.
•Trail users will be re-routed to the east side of South Pleasant Valley Road during this period.
•Trail users along Canterbury Street will be routed down the sidewalk on the eastern side of South Pleasant Valley Road via the pedestrian hybrid beacon crosswalk.
•Trail users at Longhorn Shores will be re-routed to the northern most pedestrian hybrid beacon south of Longhorn Dam.
•The sidewalk on the west side of South Pleasant Valley Road will be closed to through traffic for approximately two years depending on progression of construction.

The timeline for construction is dependent on weather conditions.

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