Gov Abbot pins covid spike on prisons and retirement homes

Governor Abbott

Governor Abbott calls the recent spike in positive COVID tests in Texas an aberration. The Governor attributed this to data errors and a rise in cases in prisons and nursing homes.

Governor Abbott specifically pointing to the Jefferson and Pecos Counties for the June 10th spike of more than 25-hundred positive tests, Jefferson County had more than 537 positive tests that day. The Governor said, “520 of those came from a batch of positive tests that had been aggregated of inmates in the Texas Prison and Federal Prison system that cam back at once.” He added, Pecos County’s surge of cases was credited to a data entry error of 90 cases.

Despite the explanation, Gov. Abbott said the Corona Virus hasn’t gone away and will likely be a part of Texas and global life for at least for the next few months, so there’s still a need to socially distance and wear masks in public.

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