If passed, the #IAmVanessaGuillen bill would allow active duty members to file sexual harassment and assault claims to a third party, Don tells us a thrilling story, and we talk UFOs. See omnystudio.com/policies/listener for privacy information....
Cuomo strikes again: T&D HR 2
March 2, 2021Uncategorized
A UT student files a class action suit against the university over paying for in-person tuition but only having online classes, a third woman comes forward with allegations of sexual assault against NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo, and...
Fix 35 now: T&D HR 4
March 11, 2021Uncategorized
TxDOT will host its second public virtual scoping meeting to ask the community for feedback on three design concepts proposed for the future of Interstate 35 through downtown getting rid of the upper deck and adding two...