Austin real estate keeps booming but there are worries Austin can’t sustain this growth, Texas still has $2B left over from COVID relief and needs to spend by Dec. 30th or will lose it, and Todd &...
Stop the steal: T&D HR 4
January 6, 2021Uncategorized
A rally to highlight election fraud is being held at the capitol, Elon Musk says he will bring Neuralink to Texas, and Don has another crazy dream, this time, involving Ed Clements. See for privacy information....
Why can’t I drink on the patio?: T&D HR 1
July 24, 2020Uncategorized
Austin City Council holds hearing on proposed budget for next year, Tim Kelly (Cedar Park City Council Place 1) says teachers that don’t want to go back to school are leeches, and local breweries and brew pubs...