- As the city of Austin explores the possibility of expanding the Austin Convention Center, opposing sides are trying to convince Austinites their view is the right choice
- The political action committee, “Unconventional Austin”, says the expansion is not necessary and is collecting signatures for a petition to have a vote put forward so Austinites can decide for themselves
- City Council Member Kathie Tovo says the expansion will help improve the area around the Convention Center and improve connectivity to Waller Creek
- Tovo says the expansion could cost an estimated $1.2 billion but that is just an estimate
- Tovo also says hotel occupancy taxes would cover the cost of the expansion, not taxpayer dollars
- Mayor Steve Adler says the expansion would help form a Tourism Public Improvement District to get funding for Austin’s homeless issues
More info: http://www.fox7austin.com/news/local-news/-unconventional-austin-gatheri…
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