Austin Implements New Traffic Signal Timing for Pedestrians

Crosswalk Downtown Austin

  • The City of Austin has implemented new wait times for traffic lights for vehicles
  • At 110 intersections in the downtown area, leading pedestrian intervals (LPI) have been employed
  • The traffic signals at those intersections will give five to seven more seconds to pedestrians in order for them to cross the street safely
  • According to the Austin Transportation Department, less than 1 percent of the city’s total road network is made up of the downtown area, but more than 10 percent of pedestrian related crashes in Austin happen there
  • Jay Blazek Crossley, director of Vision Zero Texas, speaking with KEYE said, “85 people died on the streets of Austin in 2019 and that was an increase of 75 from the year before… a third of those are pedestrian.”
  • The cost of the implementation is not expected to be large as the infrastructure is already in place


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(Photo credit: Shutterstock)

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