- Two Austin doctors are suing the State of Texas
- Austin doctors Mike Garrett and Kristin Held want to lift the state’s band which prevents doctors from dispensing medications they prescribe to their patients
- A bill was proposed earlier this year which would give Texan doctors the authority to dispense certain drugs but was never approved
- Dr. Garrett says comparatively, dispensing prescriptions in office would be much cheaper for the patient
- According to the Texas Medical Board, two related studies on primary care prescriptions say 31.3{2db634631ef8bd3f096060bc7daa4fc6677d16e616113d8c02bec6b420e3105c} of prescriptions never get filled, and nearly 66{2db634631ef8bd3f096060bc7daa4fc6677d16e616113d8c02bec6b420e3105c} of people didn’t fill those prescriptions because of the high cost
More info: https://www.kxan.com/top-stories/austin-doctors-sue-texas-to-allow-physi…
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