City Council to Decide on Bond Package & MLS Stadium, Justice Anthony Kennedy to Retire and Amazon Wants You as a Business Partner | June 28, 2018

Austin City Hall

(Photo by: Shutterstock)

Hour one of the Todd and Don Show:  

• The City Council will meet today to vote on things like the MLS Stadium proposals, city taxi rates and a $816M bond package

• Supreme Court Judge Anthony Kennedy has announced his retirement which leaves a vacant seat and allows President Trump to choose yet another nominee

• Volvo Trucks and FedEx are testing an advanced form of cruise control on the Triangle Expressway that allows two or more trucks to communicate with each other and drive closer together in small convoys or “platoons”

Hour two of the Todd and Don Show:


-Cable bills are increasing because of sneaky fees

-Walmart will be rolling out 3D virtual shopping next month

• A new poll states 33{91a3a066265893d5d93b921204e5bbe4720deb431f82cc483a406ec22b140854} of U.S. citizens believe there will be a civil war in the next 5 years

• Electric scooters and bikes have been creating safety hazards on the hike and bike trails

• Amazon is looking for entrepreneurs to invest $10K to deliver its packages with its Delivery Service Partners program

Hour three of the Todd and Don Show:

• HIGHLIGHT: Roger Falk from the Taxpayer’s Union calls in to discuss the Bond Package under consideration in City Council

• Equifax has made an agreement with 8 states to implement stricter security to prevent future data breaches

•Exactis, a Palm Coast, Fla.-based marketing and data-aggregation company, had exposed a database containing almost 2 terabytes of data, containing nearly 340 million individual records, on a public server

Hour four of the Todd and Don Show:

• HIGHLIGHT: Andrew Urban VP of MLS in Austin Support Group talks about the proposals for a MLS Stadium in Austin the City Council will vote on today

• Pharmacists have the right to deny prescriptions in Texas

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