Looser Taxicab Regulations in Austin, Greg Casar’s Police Arrests Data Questioned, Detained Immigrant Children at Mexico Border | June 14, 2018

Man being arrested

(Photo by: Shutterstock)

Hour one of the Todd and Don Show:  


-A girl gets her head stuck in an exhaust pipe of a truck at a music festival

-Executive Producer, Elissa, shot a gun for the first time at the Range at Austin

• The Austin City Council on Thursday likely will loosen regulations on the taxicab industry

• Whataburger has removed white buns and texas toast from their restaurants due to quality standard issues

Hour two of the Todd and Don Show:

• Levi Tillemann, a candidate for Congress in Colorado, pepper sprayed himself in gun control ad, says it could stop school shooters


-Microsoft is working on automation for cashier-free stores to help other business compete with Amazon

-Apple has closed the backdoor that cops have used to break into suspects’ iPhones

• Michael Cohen has fired his lawyers as he is on the verge of being indicted

Hour three of the Todd and Don Show:

• Chuck Schumer talks about the Korean summit and how there was no clear agreement made not can anyone confirm what was spoken about between President Trump and Kim Jong Un

• The head of the Austin Police Association, Ken Casaday, says Austin Council Member Greg Casar is skewing data to make the Austin Police Department appear racist

• Stan Lee gets restraining order against business partner for elder abuse

Hour four of the Todd and Don Show:

• Dennis Hof, the owner of half a dozen legal brothels in Nevada and star of the HBO adult reality series “Cathouse,” won a Republican primary for the state Legislature on Tuesday

• Wimberly is imposing an ordinance to require people to replace their light fixtures when bulbs burn out and replace them with dark sky friendly lighting

• 1,469 immigrant boys, ages 10 to 17, are being housed inside a 250,000-square-foot shell of a former Walmart superstore near the bored of Mexico

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