- A group of mothers have put together an online petition to change the logo and mascot of the Double File Trail Elementary School in Round Rock
- The mascot, the Braves, is represented by a logo which depicts a cartoon of a smiling face which looks to be that of a Native American girl wearing a headband with a feather sticking out
- Mothers at the school expressed the logo is demeaning to Native American culture
- Executive leadership at Round Rock ISD have already agreed to no longer us the logo but have said they will wait to hear from the community as to what they would like to make as the new mascot before redesigning the logo
- The district has already removed the logo from the school’s website and are working on removing it from school signage
- Round Rock ISD Board of Trustees will be holding a meeting on August 15th where the mothers who started the petition plan to present their suggestion
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(Photo by: Shutterstock)